Friday, August 9, 2013

Raw Almond Milk + Meal + Flour

I never realized how easy it was to make my own almond, or any nut milk for that reason, until I did it once. Super simple. All you need is a blender and a  Rawsome Nut Milk Bag.  You can also use a couple of layers of cheesecloth if you do not have one of these. But get one! Not only does this organization donates a portion of profits to The Bumi Sehat Birthing Center and Yayasan Widya Guma Orphanage in Bali, Indonesia where the bags are made fair trade.  This is an awesome sustainable ritual because you can take the leftovers and turn them into meal and flour for your pantry. They're just different textures. If you've ever tried to buy organic almond flour, it can be expensive. Meal is more coarse and obviously, the flour is finer and better for crusts and pastries. Want to WOW your next round of guests? Make a seasonal cobbler with almond flour left over from making milk and serve them together! The flavors compliment each other nicely. You can refer back to two of my favorite recipes that I blogged earlier this summer where I used the meal. The Almond Thumbprint Cookies and Blueberry Crumble Bars are both vegan and gluten free!

2 cups of raw, organic almonds soaked overnight in filtered water and drained
4 cups filtered water
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon bee pollen
pinch of sea salt
omit the honey and vanilla if you want it unsweetened

Put all of the almonds and just enough water to make a slurry in a blender. Add the remaining ingredients and slowly the rest of the water. You can add more water if you want your milk to be thinner. It's a personal choice.  Pour the mixture through the nut milk bag or cheesecloth set over a bowl or widemouth jar. Your leftover solids will be your meal + flour. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Turn your wet almond meal out onto a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Turn once. After everything has come to room temp, jar it or put it in the food processor for to make flour. Store in the refrigerator. The milk will keep for about 5 days.


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